Contact Us.

How can we help?

Have a question for the ExMed team?

This page has some of our most common enquiries. If you still need help please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.



➜ How can I make a one-off or monthly donation to ExMed?

Thanks for supporting ExMed!

You can make a donation here.
If you would prefer to make donations by automatic payment,You can donate via direct deposit to the ExMed Charity:

  • Bank Account Number 01-0755-0459944-00
  • Charity Registration Number CC58126

➜ Who Is Eligible For Funding?

  • People diagnosed with bowel/colon cancer in the Manawatū region.
  • Referral through oncology at MidCentral DHB in Palmerston North. Eligibility depends on fitness levels (CPET test results).

➜ What is a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist?

Individuals with a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Exercise Science. They have the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and experience to design and deliver safe exercise programs for high-risk patients.

➜ When can I start?

People can start with ExMed funded exercise training at any stage (e.g., before, during or after) of their medical treatment process.

Donate to ExMed.

Help more people with cancer access the ExMed program and realise the benefits of exercise medicine by making a donation.